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Blood Work Results n Charlize 2nd bday madness!

Today I got the results from my full physical including blood work results, my Doctor was Skeptical, Check out the Results plus my niece Charlize’s 2nd bday, and some fun exercises dancing with her ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope you enjoy it!

Jumping right into the Blood Work Results

This is my 6th year on the path as a 100% low-fat raw vegan without any supplements of any kind. last year I got a Full Physical to ease my mom’s concerns and figured getting one this year would be useful to compare results. Last year my Doctor at the time was ecstatic with my results, she said ” some of the best blood work she has ever seen” and “whatever you are doing keep it up”. This year I went to my new family doc, Dr. Alexandra Yatsina for a full range of blood work. We chatted about what I do (raw vegan lifestyle coaching, consulting, etc) told him my history, and gave him a business card to check out my site. He mentioned concern over various minerals, protein, and fats, I replied assuring him I can get everything I need from whole, fresh, raw, ripe, fruits, and vegetables, needless to say, he was excited to see my lab results.

2 weeks later I went to his office to find out the results. One of the first things he told me was “you know you really inspired someone else here” I asked him who, and he said “me”! I was taken aback and I will admit overwhelmed with happiness. He told me since our first meeting he had checked out my website, went 5 days raw, and since then has aspired to live 70% + raw vegetarian with the addition of fish at times. He beamed with happiness and told me that he felt much better and in fact had shared my site with his immediate family, and plans to enlighten his patience to the new truths he has found ๐Ÿ™‚

After this we went over my tests, it’s important to consider one’s diet and lifestyle when comparing values. My doctor’s interpretation takes my specifics in relation to the norm, which is based on the average person’s values and needs according to a standard diet (ramping up some needs and lowering others) and average lifestyle. Click here to see the full Lab Results also see below for Vitamin D info.

We first looked at the blood Panel, a few examples –ย White blood cells 4.08 10^g/L (White blood cells or leukocytes defend the body against infection), red blood cells 4.63 10^12/L (These cells carry oxygen throughout the body), hemoglobin 141 g/L(a protein that enables RBCs to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body) platelets 200 10^g/L (an element of the blood that are important for blood clotting), etc. all looked really good, he told me that my counts, amounts, structure, and quality were all good and in great ratios to each other.

From there we looked at the Automated Differential (white blood cell count evaluation) ย We looked at Electrolytes (minerals that help keep the body’s fluid levels in balance, and are necessary to help the muscles, heart, and other organs work properly) and will show kidney function. My Na (sodium) 140 mmo l/L was in a great range (simply by eating foods high in sodium, celery tomatoes bok choy greens, etc. I don’t recommend sea salts, etc) My K (potassium) 5.4 mmo l/L was a little high due to my high consumption of potassium-rich foods, but not a concern he said as its easily eliminated by the kidneys and posses no negatives. Urea 0.8 mmo l/L was low which is great as its a byproduct of excess and poor-quality protein digestion and elimination n highly acidifying. Everything looked great and in above-average ratios.

My enzyme levels were spot on, my diet requires little digestive enzymes leaving more energy and enzymes for other vital activities in my body. My fasting glucose levels (giving insight into the risk of hypothyroidism and diabetes) ย were spot on and nothing to worry about.

We then looked at my Cholesterol levels. He told me a few years back he may have thought the ratios were a little off, but now after some recent seminars and learning he said my ratios are what babies have when they are born and are optimal! Triglyceride 1.80 mmol/L , ย  HDL 0.84 mmo l/L, ย  LDL 1.44 mmo l/L. There is no need for dietary cholesterol (found mostly in animal foods) as our body produces its own. In fact, there are only negatives to its consumption, heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, etc.

My Immunochemistry was in great shape, as were my Iron 15 umo l/L levels and other mineral ratios.

We went over my b12 levels 130 pmo l/L (a controversial issue), important to note population deficiency percentages are near the same across the board for vegans meat eaters, and vegetarians. It’s really more of an absorption issue than exposure, (check out my whole post on b12 for more info) My levels looked good, and nothing to be worried about. It’s good to note that while my levels are just on the low side, this is in comparison the the “average”. Average levels are skewed by the fact that the average person is eating b12-supplemented foods (grains, juices, processed foods) daily and often at every meal. There is controversy with this too as some believe the supplemental version is partially in analog form and actually gives false reading blocking receptor sites for active b12.

My vitamin D wasn’t listed on the form, as it was still in the lab when I got the printout, my doctor has since called and informed me that it came back just on the side of low, (53 nmo l/L) but not deficient. While I a not anti-supplements, I prefer to promote going to the source of the issue whenever possible. As I live in the north and have gotten less than optimal sunlight over the last few months (I try to suck it up whenever it’s there) I am not surprised nor concerned as I am going to California to enjoy time in the sun with friends. I’m sure I will suck up a lot of sun and get my levels back up easily. I do not promote supplementing prophylactically without any symptoms ย (preventative) but instead prefer to deal directly with the lifestyle factors that can help and go from there. In the case of actual deficiencies you do what you have to, then look to correcting any lifestyle and food factors that got you into that issue. Vitamin d is getting adequate sun exposure on bare skin, with b12 its most often absorption issues, eating very cold foods and natural antibiotics such as garlic often are two examples that hinder intestinal absorption and our natural flora balance.

All in all my doctor was amazed and happy with my results, he told me “you were right, you are getting all the protein you need in your fruits and veggies” and “keep it up what your doing is working great”. I must admit getting such good results, and inspiring my Md. put a little extra pep in my step and I hope gives some of you some confidence and peace of mind. Test results aside I feel this alone brings much weight to the skeptics, if a Dr. found my simplicity and effectiveness of raw vegan nutrition to fit the bill, yielding above-average optimal lab results, who can contest it?

By eating whole fresh ripe fruits and vegetables we provide ourselves with the foods we were designed to thrive on. They are the most nutritious foods calorie per calorie and are metabolized with the least digestive effort waste and time. The vast majority of nutritional issues people have are those of excess and imbalance, not a deficiency. It’s a reality that the more we clean up our diet the more susceptible to worry we often become, when we become so focused on getting enough we leave susceptibility to sales pitches, gimmicks, vitamins, and elixirs. This leads to scare tactics and skewed studies propping up supplements, superfoods, and other unneeded “products”. All nutrient work in concert requiring co-vitamins, co-enzymes, co-minerals, etc, fruits and vegetables provide us with all we need with the fiber, and water to metabolize them in the proper ratios, in a proper balance for optimal absorption and health. Remember stress creates a much higher need for many vitamins and minerals, relax, enjoy more fresh foods and watch your health and vitality soar!

The rest of the video shows Charlize’s birthday party, and some sweet exercises and dance moves!

I hope you enjoyed blood work results and finding some smiles and laughter flowing with Charlize’s moves! ๐Ÿ™‚

As Always

Wishing you Much

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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  1. Hey Chris,

    I love watching your videos, they make me feel good, I laugh at both of you, and love the news that you spread. Great to see your results in the lab works as well as your uplifting spirit manifesting.

    Keep up the blog/vlog, inspiring many including myself. I was slowly drinking a cilantro/banana/papaya smoothie while watching your video.

    Love you both,

  2. Wow! THese are the greatest videos I’ve seen in a long time. You are helping so many people Chris, keep it up. You have an awesome sense of humor and I feel that people can really relate to you, atleast I can!

    Its great to see other fruities in the world man! Keep it up!!!

    Can’t forget about Charlie, I LOVE the two of you. Such a great team. You both make me laugh hysterically!

  3. Wow, I am grinning ear-to-ear about how you’ve inspired your doctor. I would be curious to know what your cholesterol numbers are measured in the way we hear them in the media, as in “keep your total cholesterol under 200.”

    Have a great time in Cali…


    1. I must Admit Greenmama Im not too educated in the reading of blood work values, at this time im going by my Doctors explanation and reading. I am interested in learning more about this, if anyone can explain the values in a clearer way I would be most happy to hear ๐Ÿ™‚
      Update ๐Ÿ™‚ I talked to my doc, he said the under 200 is a american reading value but isn’t well versed in their readings. He also said as a guess that mine was closer to 100 than 200, albeit a guess, and said my cholesterol levels are more than ideal. Interesting to my Doc compared my blood work results from the previous year and said that all the levels were near identical although my cholesterol ratios have gotten slightly better ๐Ÿ™‚ Got my vid d value at 53, not a concern especially as im heading to cali next week, and spring is on its way ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Awesome video's Chris, I love how full of life you are & how family orientated you are too!!!  I have a Skater boy in my family who I'm trying to introduce this lifestyle to & your video's have just been a great inspirtation.  Keep up the awesome work ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Awwww bliss n bless you, more than stoked to be a inspiration, thanks for sharing your appreciation and truth!! Anything i can share a true pleasure! ๐Ÿ™‚ Much much PLSF ck

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